
The Paradox of Democracy

Sean Illing
Zac Gershberg

Vox political reporter Sean Illing, Ph.D., and media scholar Zac Gershberg, Ph.D.’s The Paradox of Democracy: New Media and the Eternal Problems of Politics, explaining how novel forms of communication paradoxically yet almost invariably threaten to overwhelm democracy from the inside, following the historical thread from Greek rhetorical forms, to 19th Century print news, to 20th Century cinema and broadcast media, to the latest Internet platforms, showing how each of these mediums came to threaten the democracies in which they arose, to Charles Myers at the University of Chicago Press.


The Forever Transaction

Robbie Kellman BaxterBusiness strategy consultant and author of The Membership Economy, Robbie Kellman Baxter‘s The Forever Transaction: Rethinking your Business Model So Customers Never Want to Leave, going beyond the stories of subscription natives like Netflix, LinkedIn and Spotify to teach the full range of business models that companies can explore and apply, providing guidance on how to start, scale, and sustain long-term, disruption-proof customer relationships in a world of changing customer expectations, competitive conditions, and pushback from colleagues, in a very nice deal, again to Donya Dickerson at McGraw-Hill.