
We consider new clients by referral only, but there are many other great literary agencies we encourage authors to query. Before querying any agency, please review these helpful resources:

– To be sure you are querying the right agents for you and your book, here is advice on how to find a literary agent.

– Although every successful proposal is unique, here is a nonfiction book proposal template that many of our clients have used successfully.

– Watch or listen to free recordings of some of Ted’s workshops and other public appearances, including “So You Want to Publish a Bestselling Book” and “Book Proposal Bootcamp.”

– Publishing consultant Jane Friedman offers an overview of the range of options for book publishing paths.

– Author Summer Brennan debunks some of the biggest myths in non-fiction publishing.

– To learn more about working with a literary agent and how to succeed in the business of publishing, see some of Ted’s many media appearances.