Common advice is to find and follow your passion. A life of passion is a good life, or so we are told. But it’s not that simple. Rarely is passion something that you just stumble upon, and the same drive that fuels breakthroughs–whether they’re athletic, scientific, entrepreneurial, or artistic–can be every bit as destructive as it is productive. Yes, passion can be a wonderful gift, but only if you know how to channel it. If you’re not careful, passion can become an awful curse, leading to endless seeking, suffering, and burnout.
Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness, the authors of Peak Performance, once again team up, this time to demystify passion in The Passion Paradox: A Guide to Going All In, Finding Success, and Discovering the Benefits of an Unbalanced Life, showing readers how they can find and cultivate their passion, sustainably harness its power, and avoid its dangers. They show readers how to develop the right kind of passion, the kind that lets you achieve great things without ruining your life. This thought-provoking book combines captivating stories of extraordinarily passionate individuals with the latest science on the biological and psychological factors that give rise to and help sustain one’s passion.