
Show Your Work!

Austin KleonNew York Times bestselling author of Steal Like an Artist Austin Kleon‘s Show Your Work! How to Share What You Do With the World, teaching how to think about your work (art, business, anything!) as a never-ending process, build meaningful relationships by sharing that process, deal with the ups and downs of putting your work out in the world, and influence others by letting them steal from you, in a significant deal, again to Bruce Tracy at Workman Publishing.


The Nature of the Future

Nature of the Future coverIn The Nature of the Future: Dispatches from the Socialstructed World, Marina Gorbis, head of Silicon Valley’s legendary Institute for the Future, offers a vision of our reinvented world. A thriving new relationship-driven or “socialstructed” economy is emerging in which individuals are harnessing the powers of new technologies to join together and provide an exciting range of array of products and services. These engaged and innovative pioneers are filling gaps and doing the seemingly impossible by reinventing business, education, medicine, banking, government, and even scientific research. Based on extensive research and offering surprising insights, Gorbis takes readers on a tour of the socialstructed future and depicts an exciting vision of tomorrow. (Simon & Schuster)


The Infinite Resource

infinite Resource coverClimate change. Finite fossil fuels. Fresh water depletion. Rising commodity prices. Ocean acidification. Deforestation. Feeding the world’s billions. We’re beset by an array of natural resource and environmental challenges that pose a tremendous risk to human prosperity, to world peace, and to the planet itself. Yet if we act now, technologist Ramez Naam argues, these problems are addressable. In this remarkable and important book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet, he argues that our most valuable resource isn’t oil, water, gold, or land, it’s our continually growing capacity to innovate. He charts a course to supercharge innovation by changing the rules of our economy, which can lead the whole world to greater human safety and well-being. Harvard’s Steven Pinker says “This book contains a plan — probably the only plan — to save the world.” (University Press of New England)