
Blah Blah Blah

Great A&P coverEver been to so many meetings that you couldn’t get your work done? Ever fallen asleep during a bulletpoint presentation? Ever watched the news and ended up knowing less? The Problem: We talk so much that we don’t think very well. Powerful as words are, we fool ourselves when we think our words alone can detect, describe, and defuse the multifaceted problems of today. Acclaimed visual thinking guru Dan Roam offers a way out of blah-blah-blah, which he calls “Vivid Thinking.” His earlier book, The Back of the Napkin, taught readers how to solve problems and sell ideas by drawing simple pictures. Now in Blah Blah Blah: What To Do When Words Don’t Work he demonstrates remarkable new tools to combine our verbal and visual minds so that we can think and learn more quickly, teach and inspire our colleagues, and enjoy and share ideas in a whole new way. (Portfolio/Penguin)