A Path and a Practice: Using Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching as a Guide to an Awakened Spiritual Life, by William Martin, is a new translation of the Tao revealing it as not just a collection of wise insights but as a cohesive guide to our spiritual path. Before now, no modern translation has captured the essential thrust of Lao Tzu’s work as a practical guide to living an awakened life. Now Bill, whose acclaimed previous reinterpretations of the Tao (for parents, couples, and elders) have introduced or reacquainted this classic text to thousands of readers, strikingly translates the Tao for our times. He frames his new translation with two illuminating, groundbreaking sections: “A Path,” which introduces the Tao’s nonlinear construction and explains how it works its themes, and “A Practice,” which provides practical guidance for readers exploring each of the Tao’s themes in depth. This new translation for the first time reveals how directly the Tao speaks to readers who are on or about to embark upon a spiritual journey. (Marlowe & Co./Avalon Publishing)